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ISSN: 3048-622X
Submit Online Paper

All submitted research papers shall be gone under double-blind peer review process.
Online Submission System:
It is advised to all contributors that they should submit their original articles by using online submission link. In case of any difficulty, they can send their papers using email:,  Ensure that author identities are hidden in the manuscript itself.
Review Process:
Upon submission, the editorial team will review the anonymized manuscripts for completeness and adherence to the journal's guidelines. The editor assigns manuscripts to reviewers without revealing author identities.
Review and Recommendation:
Reviewers provide their assessments and recommendations based on the content of the manuscript. They submit their recommendations to the editor through a secure online system or via email without revealing their identities to the authors.
Editorial Decision:
As per the policy of JANOLI International Journals, the editor makes a final decision regarding the manuscript based on the reviews. Authors receive feedback from the reviewers and the editor without knowing the reviewers' identities.
Author Revisions:
If revisions are required, authors are guided to make revisions to their manuscript without knowing the reviewers' identities.
Editorial Transparency:
JANOLI International Journals is committed to maintain transparency by ensuring the confidentiality of both authors and reviewers. Only the editorial team and relevant staff should have access to this information.
Once a manuscript is accepted by JANOLI International Journals, author identities shall be revealed in the final published version.
Ongoing Monitoring:
JANOLI International Journals is continuously monitoring the double-blind review process to ensure that it remains effective and fair, and make adjustments as needed.

Reviewer Guidelines:
JANOLI International Journals work hard to promote scientific understanding and knowledge, and the credibility of published articles is entirely dependent on an effective and thorough peer review process. A manuscript review is an important step in the publishing process. Reviewers are asked to evaluate the manuscript and make suggestions and recommendations to ensure that it meets the scientific standards set by the Journals. Within the defined timeframe, a reviewer must check the publications submitted from the editorial office or the publisher.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
• After receiving the invitation, the reviewer must confirm their availability to complete the review within the specified time frame.
• All can inform us whether they want to approve or decline the invitation. If you are unable to accept the invitation, you may recommend a colleague to the respective editor, who will then invite the person to review; however, it is your wish that you may or may not transfer the invitation.
• Articles are assigned and distributed depending on the reviewer's scientific priorities and research interest. If the manuscript is outside of their area of expertise, they may contact the designated editorial office.
• If there is an issue with time or a conflict of interest, once after the manuscript has been assigned, the reviewer can inform the editorial office, and the reviewer can either prolong or extend the date or cancel the review assignment.
• Reviewers should examine the assigned manuscript to determine if it falls within the journal's specified framework. While reading the manuscript, reviewers should avoid being biased or partial.
• They should analyse & evaluate the manuscript within the timeframe given to ensure that the evaluation process is completed on schedule.
• If you discover that the research paper is not from the scope of interest during the review period, you should notify and intimate the editorial office.
• We are going for blind review of the submission therefore, there is no possibility to contact the reviewer directly or indirectly by reviewer.
• We always request the reviewers not to use the manuscript's details for personal gain and to keep it safe from unauthorized use or any sort of violation.
• Criticism should be delivered objectively & dispassionately but insulting and offensive comments should be avoided and are never accepted.
• You will be asked to make confidential remarks, and you will be able to consult the publisher about whether the work should be accepted, rejected, or changed. Race, religion, nationality, class, language, birthplace, gender or government agencies must never affect their comments or reviews.
• If you'd like to become a reviewer for one of our publications, please send us your CV and the publication you're involved in, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.