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ISSN: 3048-622X
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About Journal
JANOLI International Journal of Economics and Management Science  is a journal in the domain of  economics and management 
In a world characterized by constant change and global interconnectedness, the fields of economics and management play a pivotal role in shaping our economic systems, businesses, and societies. Understanding these dynamics and navigating the challenges they present is vital and fascinating. It is with great enthusiasm that we introduce this journal,  a cutting-edge platform dedicated to advancing research and knowledge exchange in economics and management.
A Platform for Insightful Inquiry
JANOLI International Journal of Economics and Management Science emerges as a vital platform for scholars, researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts alike. Our mission is to foster a deep and meaningful exploration of economic and managerial concepts, offering insights that drive innovation and progress. We welcome a wide array of topics, from microeconomics to macroeconomic policy, organizational behavior to strategic management, and everything in between. Our interdisciplinary approach recognizes the symbiotic relationship between these fields, as they converge to shape the modern world.
Rigorous Peer Review
At, JANOLI International Journal of Economics and Management Science, we hold rigorous peer review in the highest regard. We invite researchers to contribute their original work, be it empirical studies, theoretical models, comprehensive literature reviews, or thought-provoking essays. Our stringent peer-review process ensures the quality and credibility of published articles, making our journal a trustworthy source for academics, policymakers, and industry professionals.
A Global Perspective
In an increasingly globalized world, the implications of economic and managerial decisions transcend borders. JANOLI International Journal of Economics and Management Science reflects this global perspective by encouraging research with international relevance. We aim to bridge gaps, foster collaboration, and offer a platform for diverse voices and ideas to flourish.
Practical Insights and Applicability
While JANOLI International Journal of Economics and Management Science is committed to advancing the theoretical understanding, we equally value practical applicability. We are interested in research that provides actionable insights and contributes to the improvement of business practices, the formulation of effective policies, and the well-being of society at large.
Join Us in This Journey
We invite scholars, researchers, and experts from around the world to join us in this exciting journey of exploration, discovery, and knowledge dissemination. By contributing to the JANOLI International Journal of Economics and Management Science, you become a part of a vibrant community committed to the advancement of economics and management.
We look forward to your valuable contributions and the opportunity to embark on this intellectual adventure together.

JANOLI International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences

JANOLI International Economics and management Sciences (JIJEMS) is an open access journal affiliated to Shanti Educational Research Foundation India

The journal focuses on disseminating the latest research in the field of economics and management science with its all applied domains and its role in decision making, as well their relationships to cognate disciplines including Economics, Finance, Management, block chain Management, Marketing, Statistics, Operations Research and Engineering.

The journal adheres to stringent double blind peer review policy to maintain the good quality of research publication. With an acceptance rate of 15% submitted manuscripts, the journal encourages recent discoveries and innovations comprising theoretical, conceptual and empirical research in management and applied research.

The Journal also publishes extensively for the managerial IT professionals and industry practitioners in the fields of economics, business management, information systems and decision analysis. Sponsored by the Shanti educational Research Foundation, India; SIJEMS encompasses a wide spectrum of topics in this field including, but not limited to

Sustainable management
Supply Chain Management
Collective Decision Making
Fuzzy Models of Decision Making
Multi-Attribute Utility Theory
Information System and Decision Making
Dynamic and Naturalistic Decision Making
Integer and Binary Programming
Linear Programming
Behavioural Aspects of Decision Making
Markov Processes and Mathematical Programming
Financial Risk Analysis and Management
Multi-Tier Supply Chain Management
General Decision Making
Applications of Decision Aids
International Decision Making
Resource Dependence Theory
Environmental Management Systems
Marketing Information Systems
Financial Decision Making
Economic Decision Making
Energy Economics and Finance
Operations Research