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Perceived Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gamification In Enterprise Settings: A Pilot Study

Document Type: Original Article

Authors: Tomasz Lis, Aleksandra Ptak, Paula Bajdor

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This article is devoted to the gamification’s advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of the study was to identify the pros and cons of gamification, which would be or has already been implemented in the enterprise. As the gamification is gaining its popularity at the moment – the conducted study reveals both sides of this concept and allow for more detailed view. The basis of the research was a pilot study conducted among polish MBA students (managers, entrepreneurs, professionals) in the year 2021. The pilot study showed that gamification is more and more popular solution used by the companies, in its few areas such as: marketing, human resources management or knowledge management. And this concept has no limits according to company’s operating sector. But, next to the visible advantages offered by gamification, some significant disadvantages have been noticed as well, such as: additional costs associated with its implementation, the risk of reluctance among the employees or it could be perceived only as a tool used for sale increase.

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